Pure Comedy
This was realy fummy.!! You just gave me an IDEA!
Pure Comedy
This was realy fummy.!! You just gave me an IDEA!
very cute
All those gradients make the animation go very slow though.
you shoukd=ld have sent this to alphas
In alpha newgrooudns, thats where all the previews go to
that was very nice! Very good englsih! Very nice graphics and VERY VERY VERY NICE!! I really enjoyed that movie. Though the plot is kinda lame,(i have trouble with that too) the animation and graphics owned.
that was fun E
that owned, i wish i could think of something like that! Though its kinda mean. w/e. jajajajaja
good work
Its cool how you kept it so simple, yet so ful of action. Very nice, ill look out for part two.
hahaha that was great
the clayanimations on the yellow guy were kicking and the Cameo part at the end was preety humourous. hahahahaha
i loved it!
ha i remmber those. the elephant one was my fav. It was very nice to make a movie with them .
WHY DID THIS GET SUCH A LOW SCORE?! JE suis confused :$.... anywho great movie. It reminded me alot of Austin Powers though... GOOD
that was PERFIKT
WTF are you animation for some company or something.. The action script was overkill, and the 3-d rendering, OGM. You really had this planed. You inpire me. thx <3
Age 33, Male
Joined on 12/1/02