Lovely squishy
Lovely squishy
Thank you :D
this is the first geeky romance i have ever heard, and it was very cool! nice guitar hero guitar haha
Exactly what I was going for, thanks for your review.
lol great
just recomemnded for the clockcrew collection, nice work! ;D
You may now collect your muffin.
great submission!
always make great stuff toilet roll! happy clockday
Wow. Thanks.
Happy Clock Day to you too!
Whats up SS budy? I just submited something I made for Star Day below you
Good work on this!
ok star day was like two months ago
Very nice job! can't wait to see how part 2 comes out! :D
thank you! Don't expect part two to come soon though since in part two its sort of the same thing with the butterfly except with a blue bird and that is hard to draw on flash with a labtop!
I have never heard of food discrimination before... great flash!
thx for deh good revies!w
Thats amazing, you used photoshop for all that? or After effects? This is one of the most origional things i have seen on newgrounds ! you should submit this to current tv so that they might show it on television! did i mention great job!!!!
tnx for the reply, im glad you liked it.
yeh I used photoshop.
i'l be sure to check current tv out btw. I had never heard of it before.
i cried!
i could not believe they got it!
btw: this movie was shit
You're a stupid ass.
Age 33, Male
Joined on 12/1/02